Monday, February 25, 2013

Valentines Day 2013.

 We always celebrate Valentines Day with a special treat..... Chocolate Fountain!! Or Chocolate "Mountain" as Bella called it.
 I fixed a piece of paper shaped as a heart to the front of Mom's camera, to give the pictures a different effect.
 Strawberries, yummmmmmmmmm........
 The Valentines.
 Maria and Julia enjoy dipping different foods into the fondue.
 Here we all enjoy a fun snack together!
 For dinner we made personal pizza's for the kids
They all enjoyed decorating their own pizza. Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Hope you enjoyed a fun day as well.

Friday, February 1, 2013

He Lost A Tooth!!!

 Tony lost one of his front teeth! He was so excited that at 10:00 p.m he woke up Mom to pull it out.
He was all smiles and came running into our girl's room showing us all his new gap.Good work Tony!